Here at SmallCapAsia,

Our slogan is simple: Start Small, Win Big!

What does it mean? Simply put, we want you to invest your small pockets of money and eventually have them balloon into hoards of cash in the long run – so that you can live your dream lifestyle and most importantly, retire comfortably without having to worry for another day.

Now that’s a very big statement on our end. How do we intend to help you achieve that?
Through several means as stated below:

  1. Offer you the best possible FREE Tools to make informed investment decisions
  2. Teach you the Dos and Don’ts of stocks investing through our comprehensive blog articles
  3. Provide you with Honest and Helpful Reviews such as which stock brokerage account is the best and more
  4. Educate you with our expanding database of ebooks, courses and our proprietary StockPick case studies!

In short, our aim at SmallCapAsia is to help investors (novice or experienced alike) to get the Best Deal out of all their investments. We believe strongly that Huge Returns of >100% are attainable as long as you know the key characteristics of those hidden gems and where to find them.

That said, this site is not about some “get rich quick” strategy too. Here at SmallCapAsia, we believe in buying high-quality small cap stocks and holding them for the long run.

And as the saying goes:


When it comes to investing, nothing will pay off more than educating yourself. Thus, SmallCapAsia also aims to provide the essential research, tools and analysis for you to accelerate your learning curve.

Our ultimate aim is to break down the complex investing stuff & focus on what is important for you: Getting Big, Fat Returns.

About Us

James is an avid value-growth investor since 2007 and has chalked up more than 10 years of experience with a decent track record. James began his investing journey since the army days and had made countless mistakes along the way.

His turning point came when he joined the Motley Fool Singapore as a writer and joined a group of like-minded investors. It was also during that time where he learnt the great works of successful investors such as Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Sir John Templeton, and more.

As a former writer for the Yahoo Finance and The Motley Fool, James is currently hustling hard on his website – His main goal is to provide the essential research, tools and analysis to simplify investing so that everyone can invest. One exemplary case is his latest book titled – “The 9 to 5 Investing Handbook” where it uncovers the secrets on how to unearth winning Reits and Stocks.

Lastly, when he’s not busy with analysing quarterly reports and working on his website, he can be found chilling out with his family in the malls but still always on a lookout for new investment opportunities.

Kent is an economics and finance second-year student at RMIT University. He learned to invest in the stock market the hard way, from studying technical charts, trading stocks from hearsay and even bought some stocks recommended by the stockbroker.

After making losses in the market for some time, he chanced upon an online value investing course and mastered what he can on value investing. Since then, he started to model after legendary investors like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger and Howard Marks.

He believes that value investing is a continuous learning process like Munger once said: “Those who keep learning, will keep rising in life.”


Vasco developed his passion for the stock market in 2009 when he was finishing his business administration degree.

He started investing with some good ideas but the wrong mindset, which costed him some money. After that he started doing full research on the companies he’d invest and results immediately improved.

He interned at an investment Bank during his Master in Finance, worked in a major consulting firm and in one of the biggest national retail enterprises. Now he fully dedicates his time to personal projects which include writing stock market news articles and analysis.


Ian Tai is a Financial Content Machine and Dividend Investor.

Produced 450+ Financial Articles featured in in Malaysia and the Fifth Person, Value Invest Asia, and Small Cap Asia in Singapore. Regular Host and Presenter of a Weekly Financial Webinar with

Co-Founded, an online membership site that empowers retail investors to build a stock portfolio that pays rising dividends year after year in Malaysia and Singapore.

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You can also keep in contact via our Facebook page – where it will have additional feeds not mentioned here including Stock Investing Tutorials, Motivational quotes and more… So go ahead and Like our page today!

We thank you once again for coming here and hope you will find something useful here at SmallCapAsia.
